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Otto Müller Patrão de Oliveira

Research leader from LabGel. BSc. Biologist graduated in 2000, with MSc. and PhD. degree in Zoology by University of Sao Paulo (2003 e 2007, respectively). Worked as a post-doc in the Center of Marine Biology of the University of Sao Paulo from 2007 to 2010. Since 2011 is a Professor at the Center of Natural and Human Sciences of UFABC.


Lattes Curriculum (in Portuguese)



Paula Keshia Rosa Silva

BSc. in Science and Technology and in Biology, graduated at UFABC, with a MSc. degree in Evolution and Diversity at UFABC. In her BSc. thesis studied the faunistics and distribution of the chaetognaths along the Brazilian coast. In her MSc thesis, studied the faunistics and distribution gradients of holoplanktonic cnidarians (hydromedusae and siphonophores) along the water column at the Campos basin, off the coast of Rio de Janeiro state. Currently id a PhD student in Evolution and Diversity at UFABC, studing the ecology and distribution of epiphytic hydroids, with a PhD grant from CAPES.


Lattes Curriculum (in Portuguese)


Caio Cesar Ribeiro

BSc. in Oceanography, graduated at Centro Universitário São Judas Tadeu, with MSc. degree in Marine Biology at UFF and PhD. degree in Oceanography at UERJ. Currently is a PhD. candidate in Evolution and Diversity at UFABC, studing the presence of microplastic particles in historical series of gelatinous organisms collected along the Brazilian coast.  


Lattes Curriculum (in Portuguese)


Eric Yukihiro Nishiyama

BSc. Biologist graduated by Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, with MSc. and PhD degrees in Evolution and Diversity at UFABC. In his MSc. thesis studied the systematics of the genus Lensia (Cnidaria, Siphonophora). In his PhD dissertation studied the systematics of the siphonophores, with a PhD grant from FAPESP, spending an year fellowship at Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC (USA), and later visiting museum collections in the United Kingdon, Norway, Japan and Australia.


Lattes Curriculum (in Portuguese)

Diego Cieni

BSc. in Science and Technology and in Biology, graduated at UFABC, with MSc. degree in Evolution and Diversity at UFABC. In his BSc. thesis studied the distribution patterns of siphonophores along all the South American coast. In his MSc. thesis, studied the patterns of Physonectae siphonophores distribution along the world. 


Lattes Curriculum (in Portuguese)

Mariana Pereira de Almeida

BSc. in Science and Technology student at UFABC. In her scientific initiation project studied the world distribution of some ctenophore species, based on photographic records available in the web, following the concepts of "Citzens Science".

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